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1 year ago
  • Domain Engineering
  • Availability Full-time
  • Experience Entry Level
  • Type of contract Fixed period
  • Location Galati
  • Accommodation No
  • Salary To be determined
  • Verified company Yes

We are growing our team in view of several exciting ship & marine design projects.

Are you a team player willing to join an innovative engineering company? Are you interested in working with a skilled team and further develop your engineering competencies? Do you wish to follow a ship design project through its stages, starting with Concept Design and FEED studies, moving on to Basic Design and completing the Detail and Fabrication Engineering? Would you be available to work on assignments abroad? If your answer is YES, you may be the one we are looking for!


·        Permanent and Contract Roles available (6 to 12 months)

·        Location: Galati, Romania


Roles Available:

·        Naval Architect,

·        Structural Engineer,

·        Marine & Process Engineer,

·        Piping and Layout Engineer,

·        Mechanical Engineer,

·        Technical Safety Engineer,

·        Hull Outfitting Engineer,

·        HVAC Engineer,

·        Electrical Engineer,

·        Instrumentation Engineer,

·        Telecommunication Engineer.



·        Minimum 3 years’ experience in ship/marine design in his/her field or discipline

·        Proficient with AutoCAD (required) and/or AVEVA Marine/E3D/Cadmatic/ShipConstructor

·        Good understanding and knowledge of the design process, phases, stages, and activities involved

·        Proficient with Microsoft Office suite, especially Excel and Word

Your extra-benefits:

·        Flex-time possibility - We care about your personal schedule, therefore we try to offer you flexible working hours, according to personal and business needs. Please discuss with your team Leader;

·        Home office - We want you to work however fits you best. We offer the standard possibility to work from home up to 60 days per year.

·        Medical subscription - We know how important health is, so you get a medical subscription through the Signal Iduna network (Mediqa Net), paid by the company;

·        Semi-annual bonuses – We price your contribution to our company’s profit and we share it with our permanent staff;

·         Referral bonuses - We build our teams on trust, so we encourage you to refer new candidates to us through our program: “Recommend ICE”. For certain positions we will honor you with an attractive bonus;

·        Life events celebration - Your family is growing while working at ICE! We congratulate your newborn with a salary bonus;

·        Professional development - Great opportunities to develop yourself within the company;

·        Trainings and certifications - We believe in a Life-Long Learning approach, so we invite you to take part in technical and project management trainings;

·        Unforeseen situations - In case of unfortunate events, we support you by offering you free days and financial support (handled on a case by case basis);

·        International Assignments - You have the possibility to work on international secondment projects;


Applications on:

Open Positions - ICE - Ship Design & Engineering Marine Industry (

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  • Don’t leave your original passport and ID to employers
  • Don’t make any requested payments
  • Research the recruiter and the company
  • Read the contract before you sign it
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Pro tip: Any format is good but we recommend the resume export from LinkedIn

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