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1 year ago
  • Domain Customer Service
  • Availability Part-time
  • Experience Entry Level
  • Type of contract Indeterminate term
  • Location Graz
  • Accommodation No
  • Salary To be determined
  • Verified company Yes

The Dr. Sasse Group is a family-run, internationally active company with a 4-fold female top management. As a provider of integrated facility management services, we have been a competence partner for the real estate industry, for industrial and leisure companies as well as for the aviation and transport sector for 45 years. In 2020, approximately 7,000 employees worked for the group of companies. We want to be considered both "knowledgeable and innovative" and "correct and consistent". Anyone who feels addressed by this is in good hands with us.


Job purpose:

•       Cleaning of sanitary facilities, shops, offices, and restaurants

•       Use of different cleaning tools, supplies, equipment, and products

•       Removal of all excess debris and waste


Your Profile:

•       Work experience as cleaner is an advantage

•       Ability to recognize and meet required level of hygiene/cleanliness

•       Work within the team positively and with a positive approach to our clients, your job tasks, and co-workers

•       Show initiative in carrying out tasks

•       Deliver high standards of cleanliness and service to all aspects of the business

•       Always maintain professional attitude to clients, co-workers, and the public

•       Extract from police records


Our Offer:

•       Secure and long-term full-time or part-time jobs

•       Performance-related remuneration according to tariff with 9.38 €/hour + surcharges

•       Recruitment from now on

•       Health and prevention services

•       Modern, new work equipment

Recruitment process
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Stay safe in your search for employment.
  • Ask questions about the job before you go to an interview
  • Don’t leave your original passport and ID to employers
  • Don’t make any requested payments
  • Research the recruiter and the company
  • Read the contract before you sign it
Read more about how to recognise legitimate employment here.
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Pro tip: Any format is good but we recommend the resume export from LinkedIn

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